£695 PCM (Fees Apply) To Let

Lushington Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4LL

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Eastbourne Property Shop is delighted to offer TO LET this single occupancy fully furnished room with personal fridge. Located in the heart of Eastbourne town centre. Rent includes council tax, all utility charges and broadband. Minimum Tenancy is 6 months EPC rating is D and council tax is included.

Room includes personal wash basin and pedestal. Period front bay window and tall ceillings.

Includes Council tax, water, gas, electricity and TV License. Also includes common way, bathroom, WC and kitchen cleaning weekly. House share with total 8 rooms, kitchen, two WCs, three showers/bathrooms. Kitchen facilities include a fridge freezer, microwave, oven and hob and a washing machine.

Money Laundering Regulations 2007-

Prospective applicants/Tenants will be asked to produce identification documentation upon acceptance of any offer. This is to satisfy legal requirement and must be adhered to on any rental. We please ask for your assistance in producing such evidence in a suitable and timely manner that there will not be a delay in agreeing the rental. We can provide you with information on which items are acceptable proofs if required.

General Information-

Whilst we endeavor to make our sales particulars fair, accurate and reliable at all times, they are only a general guide to the property and if there is any point in the particulars which is of increased importance to you or a query for clarification, please contact the office and we will be pleased to check the position for you and advise further.

Prospective tenants must check the availability of any property and make an appointment to view, before embarking on any journey to see a property.

Please note Items shown in photographs are NOT included unless specifically mentioned within the property particulars.

Property particulars are issued in good faith but do not constitute representations of fact or form part of any offer or contract.


The measurements given are approximate room sizes and are only intended as general guidance. All Dimensions and measurements are to be fully verified by you before ordering furniture, rugs, window treatments, floor coverings etc


Please note we have not tested and do not test any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services at any property therefore cannot verify that they are in working order, safe or fit for their purpose. A Tenant is advised to use their own discretion on any such items prior to their use. A landlord will supply the legal requirements of any such safety documentation to the agent. 

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